Dr. Aida Ibričević is a political scientist and migration researcher. You can find her full CV here. She is the author of “Decided return migration: Emotions, citizenship, home and belonging in Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Published as part of the IMISCOE/Springer Research Series her book offers new conceptual understanding to the field of return migration, by creating links between political emotions, citizenship, home and belonging. Her winning book proposal has secured open access publication, making the book available to a variety of audiences. To learn more about Aida’s new book, please go here.
As a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linkoping University, Sweden, and a Global Fellow at the PRIO Migration Center, Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway, Ibričević brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her academic research and her research consulting practice. Her Postdoctoral Researcher position at Linkoping University is funded by the European Commission, within HORIZON Europe, as part of the MORE Project: “Motivations, experiences, and consequences of returns and readmission policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives.”
Ibričević’s extensive research consulting experience includes working as a Senior Researcher for various international development organizations, institutes, and civil society organizations, such as the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), ODI, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)–Diaspora for Development Project, the Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies (BICC), and the Network for Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Aida’s academic credentials include a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Middlebury College in the United States, a Master of Arts in Economics from Central European University (CEU) in Hungary, and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Istanbul Bilgi University in Turkey. Her academic achievements have been recognized through many awards, including fellowships from the Open Society Foundations, the French Government, and the Norwegian Research Council (SAMEVAL).
She is proud of her “BiH Diaspora Discussions,” a blogging space devoted to contextualizing contemporary academic and policy debates within the realities of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian diaspora. As a blogger, she tries her best to put her journalistic training to good use. Aida has earned a joint postgraduate degree in Journalism from the École supérieure de journalisme in Lille, France (ESJ Lille), and the Mediaplan Institute in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ibričević is a native speaker of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian with high-level written and spoken proficiency in Turkish, French, and Italian. Aida is currently learning Swedish, her sixth language.
Research Design
Data Collection (surveys, interviews, focus groups)
Data Analysis (quantitative and qualitative)
Research Reporting
Writing (scholarly, policy-oriented, journalistic)
Speaking, Moderating, and Facilitating
Teaching and Training